Participation of department students in the Fourth Scientific Innovations Exhibition

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Done By: Department of Biomedical Engineering

Post Date: 2024-04-29

Last Browse: 2024-06-03

The Department of Biomedical Engineering at the College of Engineering, University of Al-Nahrain, participated in the Fourth Scientific Innovations Exhibition organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The students who participated were:

  • Wadah Ziyad Saleh
  • Leen Hussein Ali
  • Mohammed Ali Ahmed

This participation was in collaboration with the Rehabilitation and Employment Unit in the Fourth Annual Scientific Innovations Exhibition, organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports - Scientific Care Department. The exhibition took place on Tuesday, April 29, 2024, at Al-Mustansiriya University Presidency - Martyr Al-Mehrab Hall, with the participation of several Iraqi government and private universities.

The exhibition was inaugurated by Professor Hamid Fadel, President of Al-Mustansiriya University, and Dr. Ahmed Saad Alawi, Director General of the Scientific Care Department. Everyone praised the efforts of our college and university for our dear students and their scientific achievements, encouraging them to keep up with development and technology. This exhibition represents a real step in supporting the talents, innovations, and scientific creativity of students.